Online US & Canada Shopping Forum
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Shopping takes time and money, but quite often after making a purchase we find out that we could have bought a better product for a cheaper price or that when we try to return the item to the store, it's unbelievably difficult. I believe we could easily avoid situations like this if we could communicate with other fellow shoppers and seek their advice when needed.
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I believe I won’t be alone when I say that shopping take time, especially when making major purchases or trying to buy rare items. Shoppers like me do as much research as they can on the item of interest, to buy the best one available at the lowest possible price. I usually do my research on the item first, reading customer reviews, and then I look for the stores that offer the best price, after that comes the time to do my research on those stores and that’s where it gets complicated. There are great resources available on the web that offer help on choosing the right thing, but sometimes one needs to connect with other fellow shoppers and ask them something, be it their shopping experiences or just some advice.
With the online shopping revolution many stores became globally available. Even if they have physical locations only in one or two countries, they may offer worldwide shipping.
This phenomenon significantly widens the pool of shoppers who potentially could give me some advice regarding a particular store or a brand name. And since the World Wide Web was the one to globalize shopping, it is, therefore, the right place for all the shoppers to connect and discuss shopping-related issues.
While there are quite a few shopping forums, I find them very chaotic and disorganized; there are many users and no structure, making it very easy for many focused topics to go unnoticed by their target audience because of the amount of other postings and spam.
That’s when I decided to build a shopping forum that would address these issues and make it easier for people like me to seek advice from our fellow shoppers. While not everyone will appreciate the idea, I just want to let the word out, so people like me know where to go for shopping advice next time they need it.